Telegram is one of the most popular online messaging applications. It allows users to send messages, photos, videos, and documents from So, for example, if you are trying to start a new business and want to recruit some talented individuals, you can do it without having to have constant phone calls or Skype conversations. You can create a private group, so the only members marked on your contact list are those who have invited themselves; however, this means you will not be able to see which members have been removed or added as guests or even message them that lack any response from joining the party.

Introducing Telegram: a new smartphone messaging app. Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is encrypted and doesn’t share your data with Facebook or any advertisers at all. It also comes with various features, such as voice calls and video-conferencing, which make conversations much more productive than the usual phone call.

The great thing about Telegram is that it’s open-source. This means you have the liberty to modify the app to suit your needs without having to ask for permission from anyone! Their official website offers tutorials for creating group chats, making payments within groups, how to use bots, etc.

Telegram is a perfect choice for you who are looking for an encrypted messaging app. Their in-built API allows you to use Telegram features in other apps, so you can potentially make the best use of their outstanding features.

This is version 2.8.18 of Telegram: The Secret Chats App, which is a messaging app that uses end-to-end encryption, making your communications private and secure. Telegram is a cloud application that you access via your phone. It contains a customizable, intelligent, and intuitive user interface. This app runs on all platforms with the same user-friendly look and feel. Telegram is free, open source, secure and straightforward.